Sunday, October 31, 2010

Is there a post due Monday?

So I can't remember whether or not there's a post due on Monday, so I'm going to write one just in case...
Last Thursday, we turned in our WOA #3 (the hats). I made a pill-box hat out of this cool, patterened felt used a flower and feathers to decorate it. It's a little hard to describe I guess (hence the pictures). We brought two of the administration in to judge and they picked my hat as the winner! I won a 3.5 lb bag of candy! Woohoo! But, as much as I enjoyed winning, I don't think I would have picked my hat to win. There were some AWESOME hats. Overall, I'm super impressed by all these work of art challenges!

Monday, October 25, 2010

WOA #3

For our third Work of Art Project, we're supposed to make a HAT! That's craaaazy. I feel like a project runway designer. Now I just need Tim Gunn to help sassily critique my ideas. LOVE THAT MAN.
But back to art class, I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone decides to do with this challenge. It could go a lot of different ways. I can't wait until Thursday! But here are some awesome hats to check out in the mean time:

Saturday, October 9, 2010

AP Fieldtrip Photos

Well, we went on our AP Art photography fieldtrip last week and it was FANTASTIC! I had so much fun! My favorite part was probably the OHSU tram, but I also loved Luscher Farm, Oaks Park, Union Train Station and Pioneer Courthouse Square. Over the course of the day, I took close to 500 photos!! Only nine or ten of which were any good :) Here are a few of my favorites...

Luscher Farm- The light was perfect at 8AM!     

Luscher Farm- I loved this old wooden birdhouse

Luscher Farm- Pattern? Rhythm? I'm still not sure

Oaks Park- I just love the colors in this one!        

Oaks Park- An over-used idea but I still like it :)  

OHSU- Can't go wrong with reflective windows

OHSU- I liked the shapes and the industrial feel

Union Station- Cool perspective? And great rust!

Union Station- Fantastic color scheme. Awesome/Sketch plants?

 First Presbytarian Church- Organ pipes are stunning

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Yay! We have and AP Art fieldtrip this Wednesday! We're going to P-Town to take photos for the breadth section of our portfolio. I'm super excited because I LOVE photography! I think it can capture something that other forms of art just can't. Here are some Scholastic Art Award winning photos for you to check out: